Calling revolutionaries throughout the US for May Day 2015

NCP (LC) and RSCC on Mayday 2014
NCP (LC) and RSCC on Mayday 2014

Let this year’s May first be the largest in history! May 1st has been the rallying point for workers, revolutionaries and communists of every shade. Now more than ever it is pivotal to make the demarcation with the liberalism of the people’s movement. We declare that the first step for advancing the struggle of the exploited in the US is to split the movement along revolutionary lines. The questions of today must be answered by revolutionaries, first and foremost. This means centering on organizations whose orientation is to strategically defeat the enemy by ideological, economic and ultimately political means. Organizations which do not merely aim to gain more quantitatively for the exploited, but also qualitatively change the order of society from a capitalist society to a socialist society.

The continuing inter-imperialist conflicts worldwide leading to more proxy wars in Yemen, along with the continuing conflicts in Syria and Ukraine for the battle of hegemony between US or Russian interests convey to us that merely opposing the current imperialism is not enough to alter the position of the exploited. The bleeding of the environment and the genuine and artificial scarcity of resources continues ever more with many unable to get basic necessities. The continuing genocides of oppressed nationalities continues with New Afrikans (African Americans) being extra-judicially killed every 28 hours with no recourse from the law on the perpetrators. Concentration camps for working class oppressed nationalities is alive and well for the Black and Latinos being funneled due to a drug war which is a cover for a counter insurgency of their communities, not to mention the growing population of immigrants in detention centers who receive less support than those in prisons. The fight for 15 shows that even labor-aristocratic led trade-unions are even coming into contradiction with the ruling class, and that rank and file workers are realizing their economic interests at the minimum.

The tasks of communists is to lead these struggles, bring the revolutionary line and analysis, push the limits and connect with every section of society which can benefit from overthrowing the capitalist class. But to advance we must divide. We must divide ourselves from the outdated methods of struggle and analysis from the revisionist left. We must divide from the neo-liberal outlets of social welfare activism which is promoted by the state in a counter insurgency to pacify the people from realizing their strategic interests. We must be able to come to unity in regards to making revolution in the 21 century United States. But this unity must be brought about through struggle. Unit-Struggle-Unity is the Maoist method. This May Day we invite all revolutionaries to unite for this struggle.

New York City:

Union square 2 p.m.

Kansas City:

Budd Park 4 p.m.

Los Angeles:

7th Street and Alvarado in Mac Arthur park at 4pm

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